As June swings into view on the 400 metre running track of 2011, I begin the process of figuring out ho to move my remaining belongings out of Cardiff, changing my dozens of contact addresses and looking or somewhere else to dump all my things so I don't end up being the straw that breaks my parents house.
It's strange going back to cardiff on the rare visits I make. Even after living there for 5 years, and only being away for 3 months, I sometimes feel like I've been gone for years and that it was a place from a dream or a past life. Or maybe it's just because getting there takes so long that it feels like a lifetime!
The start of June also ushers in the end of my three month probationary period at work, and the start of my proper contract as a member of permanent staff! It was a pretty safe bet that the management would deign to keep me aboard the good ship White Light, but it's still nice to have got my appraisal out of the way so I don't have to keep wondering when it might happen.
Though this job and the associated riches and comforts it brings with it is a welcome change from floating on the financial breeze that comes with freelancing, I will admit that being a monday to friday worker wasn't where I was seeing myself when I looked forward in January. I've now got a commute, a lunch hour, a swipe card, and even an oyster card! I'm just thankful I don't have a suit and a desk to complete the set, that could be disastrous!
The land of my fathers weeps
6 years ago