Wednesday, 6 January 2010

TED - -Ideas Worth Spreading

"TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design."

Ever since I discovered TED last year, i have been watching videos on subjects so far ranging and  numerous that it excites me to think that there is so much potential, passion and knowledge in this world.
The other day i watched a video of a performance of a Theremin and an explanation about its history and construction, before that i watched a video where a designer and innovator was showing a prototype phone that hangs around the neck and has a built in camera and projector, to enable instant information relating to anything its pointed at. One use was for finding your way, you can turn on google maps, project it onto a surface and, using finger gestures as seen on the iPhone but also in Minority Report, you can zoom in, out, drag, drop, right click on items and find information about businesses, amongst a host of other things.

The latest video from TED was an 18 minute talk by Clifford Stoll. I had no idea when i clicked to watch the video what the topic was, the only clue was in the title "18 minutes with an agile mind". It ended up being an amazingly entertaining and informative talk by a physicist that im sure most people have never heard of, but who managed to leap through about 5 different topics before coming to a climax with the actual topic of his talk. But to find out what that is, you'll have to watch it yourself. :)

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