Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Ve vant to suck yur Bluuuud!

I've been neglecting my duty as a blood donor for a while, probably coming up to a year since I last donated.
I went to a mobile donation centre (a big trailer in a carpark), filled in forms, and sat in the waiting room (a minibus parked next to the trailer) patiently awaiting the command for the next donor.

I tend to become hyper sensitive to the way my body feels before giving blood, or just after an injection. Questioning every little thing; like an itch that could turn into eczema, or a mis-timed sniff that could be the starting point for the next international health crisis

Giving blood is a rewarding experience, you get to lie down for a bit, then get given a cup of tea and biscuits while you sit and chat with the lovely nurses, and you walk away with a feeling of having done something positive for humanity.

According to the national blood service website, there is only about 8 days of blood available for the most common type O+.

Click on the links below to find out more.

Welsh Blood Service
National Blood Service

Image by Stuart Buckley

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