There are always little oddities that only the inhabitants know about, like the starlings that nest above the boys bedroom window, knowing to pull the front door as you unlock it, or the procedure to light the ageing grill without filling the kitchen with gas.

We always tend to leave things to the last minute in our house, which was why when I arrived home on the 23rd I found the front room pretty much the same as when I last visited some time in November. My sister and I started putting up the decorations before her phone buzzed and she escaped into town for a social engagement, leaving me to do the manly job of getting the tree in, making sure it's in a waterproof pot, covering up said pot and eventually decorating it. The parents have opted to buy a tree that still has its roots so that we could potentially use it for the next couple of years christmases, that will remain to be seen!
As I was perusing the back room for anything I owned so I could help with Operation RescueThe Table From Crap, I found a hefty book, the size of which only one type book tends reach.
This King James bible was the Lewzey family bible, though apparently none of my parents family were very religious i think it was just the done thing.
If the roman numerals inside the cover relate to the books print date and not the first print or commission date, then it is over 140 years old! (The date inside was M.DCCC.LX.VI if you want to work out the date for yourselves.)
It's funny that this version of the bible has gone from such a substantial size to being a bunch of 0s and 1s on my phone that barely takes up the same space as a song!
A very Merry Christmas to everyone who humours me in what I write on this blog. Enjoy yourselves at this time of sharing and loving and don't forget the event that kicked off this whole celebration: Jesus being born over 2000 years ago to an unassuming couple, as a gift from God to mankind.
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