Thanks to the wonders of modern digital photograph, merely a week after finishing Little Match Girl and performing at Alchemi, photographs have arrived on my virtual desk of the two events.
As LMG was my first proper foray into theatre lighting (using all my own design and programming) i feel particularly proud that nothing went monstrously wrong and i even enjoyed the experience! Anyway, a picture is worth a thousand words, so here's my dissertation.
LMG in a dream world |
Drunk old crone |
Cast singing the main theme song |
LMG being wrongly accused |
Tart singing about poor people enjoying a drink |
LMG threatening a rich man for not giving her any money |
If you've made it this far, well done! Usually after sifting through a bunch of photos of theatre I tend to blank anything else that happens after them and i imagine others may do likewise.
December'd Alchemi happened to fall on the evening of the church christmas play, which allowed us to tart up the room with lots of expensive things. If it pleases the court, may I present Exhibit A:
Photo by Ceri Herbert |
I didn't have the foresight to take a before picture to go with this after one, but the church itself looks VERY different from the picture above.
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